“The clean nuclear power argument from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Department of Energy, is nonsense,” says Stanford University Climate Expert Dr. Mark Jacobsen. Why are the federal and state officials wasting over $8 billion in taxpayer funds for the first ever restart of a dangerous nuclear reactor in Michigan; sold for scrap by its previous owner?”
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Palisades: The Secret $8.3 Billion Plan To Bring A Dangerous Nuclear Reactor Back From The Dead
This podcast focuses on the unprecedented plan to restart the dangerously obsolete and severely age-degraded Palisades nuclear reactor on the Lake Michigan shoreline n...

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Why is Holtec International Resurrecting A Risky Michigan Nuclear Power Plant Without Meeting Federal Regulatory Requirements?
Thanks to billions in pork barrel dollars from the Department of Energy, the State of Michigan and U.S. Department of Agriculture, Holtec International, a company that...

As Holtec International Plans to Restart The Palisades Reactor, Next Door Neighbors Bruce and Karen Speak Out.
Palisades Nuclear Power plant’s next door neighbors Bruce and Karen Davis, live in the Palisades Park residential community near South Haven, Michigan. The Davis home ...

Discussion with Epidemiologist Joe Mangano – Cancer Rates Before the Palisades Nuclear Plant was Built and After the Plant was Built.
Joseph Mangano MPH, MBA, is the Executive Director of the Radiation and Public Health Project (RPHP), an independent group of scientists and health professionals dedic...

No Thanks For The Memories: Why The False Promise of “Too Cheap To Meter” Nuclear Power Has Led to Collusion, Bankruptcy and Meltdowns
This podcast focuses on the unprecedented plan to restart the dangerously obsolete and severely age-degraded Palisades nuclear reactor on the Lake Michigan shoreline n...

Palisades: The Secret $8.3 Billion Plan To Bring A Dangerous Nuclear Reactor Back From The Dead
This podcast focuses on the unprecedented plan to restart the dangerously obsolete and severely age-degraded Palisades nuclear reactor on the Lake Michigan shoreline n...